What are the lived experiences of a young person living with a serious illness? Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a chronic health condition that disproportionately impacts Black and Brown communities. In the Black community, SCD occurs in 1 out of 365 births and 1 in 13 births in the Black community have the Sickle Cell trait. From birth, SCD is associated with unpredictable, debilitating pain, severe health complications, frequent hospitalizations, and shortened life expectancy ( < 50 years). In the second episode of Reflections in Color : Celebrating Journeys in Wellness, we meet Aldoris Bate, Sickle Cell Advocate. In this episode we discuss lived experiences of SCD, the importance of genetic testing, advocacy in medical treatment, and effective strategies to overcome distress related to personal health status.

In Reflection in Color : Celebrating Journeys to Wellness we highlight diverse experiences of mental and emotional distress within the wellness spectrum and bring awareness to real-life challenges. Everyday people share personal stories, reflections, and understanding of their wellness journeys including lessons learned. Most importantly, we identify culture specific, relevant self-care strategies and coping skills to maintain emotional and mental wellness.

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