If you are looking for a quick boost to your mental and physical health, increasing your sunlight is an easy solution.

Sunlight Benefits

The sun is a crucial ingredient in your overall health. Sun exposure helps the creation of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is imperative for several body processes including better sleep, enhanced brain function, bone health, supporting the immune system and mental well-being. Most notably, vitamin D levels are associated with serotonin levels which is responsible for maintaining a good mood and protects against depression.

Get your sunscreen and protective wear (e.g. sunglasses, hats) and discover some simple, quick and efficient methods to incorporate more sunshine into your daily routine!

1. Morning Routine: Spend a few minutes outside during your morning routine, like while having your breakfast or coffee.

2. Lunch Break: Take your lunch outdoors and enjoy a brief walk or sit in a sunny spot.

3. Outdoor Calls: If you have phone calls to make, do them outside while walking or sitting in the sun.

4. Stretch Break: Take a short break from your daily tasks and do some stretches or light exercises outside.

5. Walking or Jogging: Take a quick 10-minute walk or jog.

6. Commute: If possible, walk or bike a short distance instead of driving. If you drive, park further away to give yourself time in the sun.

7. Window Seat: If you’re indoors, sit by a sunny window and soak up the sunlight.

Remember to always take sun safety precautions, such as wearing sunscreen and protective clothing, especially if you’re going to be outside for longer periods.

How will you soak up the sun into your day?

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